Hi everyone, I've just posted this short animation I made a while ago, be sure to check it out and stuff
Artist, Animator & Writer | BluestoneClock |
Age 19, Male
Sydney, Australia
Joined on 4/9/17
Posted by SunSmog - June 19th, 2024
I've posted an update on Alchemist episode 4 on my BBS thread, check it out! https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1527581#bbspost27873271_post_text
Posted by SunSmog - June 15th, 2024
Hello all, long time no see. I'm done with exams and stuff so I got some free time now. I'm currently planning out and trying to come up with a decent release strategy for Alchemist, this is why the episode 1 re-release has not come yet. What I'm thinking now is that I'll start posting Alchemist on YouTube at some point (maybe later this month) and I can post it on Newgrounds at the same time so that when I try to promote the releases, I can do it a bit more easily. I'm not particularly good at promoting myself so that is something I am attempting to improve.
Now since I'm on my uni break, I can resume work on Episode 4 which I haven't worked on for a while so in the coming weeks you may see some progress on that via my Animation thread on the BBS. I'm also thinking of making some standalone toons here and there for variety, but it's all early stages right now. That's all for now! stay tuned
Posted by SunSmog - April 26th, 2024
Hi all, earlier this month I released the first three episodes of my cartoon "The Unyielding Alchemist" in the form of a 40 minute long compilation video. I'm happy all you guys really liked it, it's currently my highest rated animation on Newgrounds and has over a thousand views. I've even seen fanart start popping up, shoutout to @Gandarga and her awesome drawing of the main villian!
If you haven't already seen it, what are you doing? go watch it!
In this update, I'll be discussing both the status of the next episodes, as well as an upcoming re-release of the 3-part premiere on Newgrounds as 3 separate videos (more on that later on in this update!)
I haven't decided when or if I will post the episodes on YouTube but if you want to see them posted there, let me know!
Status of the Next Episodes!
Episode 4 "Mechs n' Wrecks!" is already fully animated and has been for a while, however I need to re-record audio and complete editing which will take time (this process also took a long time for the first 3 episodes!) so I'll work on that once my 6 week long semester break comes in June/July, so that episode will release in August. Episode 5 is almost done too (although work is currently paused), so that episode will release only a month after Episode 4.
In the meantime here's some screenshots from the next episode as a "sneak peek"!
A mysterious new character! What's his deal?
Alchemist confronts two alien invaders!
Who are these guys? Find out when the episode comes!
Want to see more? Check the post-credit scene on the series premiere, it has actual footage from this episode!
Status of Release Schedule
In the meantime, with the permission of Tom Fulp, I'll start reposting episode 1-3 as individual videos on here to lower the barrier of entry (easier for new viewers to watch 3 10-ish minute videos than one long 40 minute one!), so I'll be doing that between May and July.
So the current season 1 schedule looks like this:
Apr - Premiere Compilation released
May - Episode 1 re-release
June - Episode 2 re-release
July - Episode 3 re-release
August - Episode 4 release
September - Episode 5 release
October - Short 1 release
November - Short 2 release
For the re-releases, I haven't picked specific release dates yet as I'm going to try to target less busy days (hard to predict when those will be!) so that we can attract new viewers more easily.
One more update: We're on IMDb now! If you're feeling inclined, you can drop us a review or just rate the episodes https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32161912/
Posted by SunSmog - April 9th, 2024
Good news everyone! The three-part premiere of my series: "The Unyielding Alchemist" has reached the front page of Newgrounds!
We're also very close to 1,000 views so that's really cool too. Thank you to everyone who watched, and I hope everyone who saved it to their "watch-later" list will one day watch it too. I spent a ridiculous amount of time making it so i'm glad that people like it. It's currently my highest rated animation on Newgrounds, ever!
In hindsight I maybe shouldn't have posted it on April Fools day but it's not the end of the world either. To those who haven't seen the episodes yet, go watch it! and tell me what you think in the reviews section too!
As for when the next episode will come out? I'm thinking I'll release the next episode in July as I'm kind of busy with my studies and life and whatnot. But do not fret, for there is indeed a post-credit scene on the premiere showing a sneak peek of the upcoming Episode!
Watch the Alchemist premiere! and stay tuned for the next few episodes! + the shorts too!
I might talk about Alchemist a bit more on my Newgrounds BBS Animation Thread once I have the time as well.
Posted by SunSmog - April 1st, 2024
After a very very long time, I've finally finished the three-part premiere of my series "The Unyielding Alchemist", it's 42 minutes long but I hope you guys like it.
What is this show about?
This show is about a science-themed superhero trying to stop an evil
mad-scientist mob boss, but it's also about the dangers of chasing unattainable
goals and perfectionism. There's killer robots and wacky supervillains but there's
also other stuff as well!
Posted by SunSmog - March 31st, 2024
Hello, I haven't posted an update for a while but now I'm here. Remember when I mentioned getting some last-minute feedback on the final product? Well, after that I tried implementing some changes to address some of that feedback in the hopes of improving it before releasing, however I got carried away and accidentally created an entire extra episode! So now this premiere is 3 episodes long and over 40 minutes!
This new extra episode is the new "episode 1", it acts as a bit of a prologue but large chunks of it are actually flashback scenes i removed from episode 2 and 3 so It's not perfect, but it should help the narrative flow a bit better.
I'm currently going through the process of exporting, I'm going to release it today. I've been working nonstop for the past few days trying to finish it up. Turns out, even when you're "almost done", finishing up a 40 minute video is actually still pretty hard. A bit unfortunate that it got delayed so long but I hope the super long runtime is enough to compensate for that lol
Ahead of the release, I'd like to share some stills from each episode in the 3-part premiere (will be released as one long video!)
Episode 1: "The Executioner Strikes Back!"
Episode 2: "Enter the Dark Professor!"
Episode 3: "Android Attacks!"
Posted by SunSmog - December 14th, 2023
good news: first 2 episodes are technically done.
although, while I could release it today, I'm still waiting on a few things:
Once that's taken care of, Alchemist will finally be released!
for the time being, enjoy these random out of context screenshots of our main character! good ol' Matthew Bohr, the Alchemist.
Posted by SunSmog - November 23rd, 2023
I may not be able to do the Nov 25 release date as burnout is starting to set in (as well as the physical consequences of grinding everyday for the past week + more). I might still make the planned date but I don't know for sure, but even if I don't make it, expect it to drop not too long after. Maybe a few days later, but don't worry, It'll happen eventually. I just have to take care of myself as well of course. I'll let you guys know how it goes once I have a clearer idea of how things are going to go.
On the bright side: all voice-work is complete. Now the only thing left is finishing touches in editing. However I underestimated how much work "finishing touches" involve (I previously completed editing without voiceover present but now I have to account for how the recordings factor into the viewing experience) which is another factor that makes accomplishing the release date difficult. Luckily I already resolved this issue with Episode 4 and the short, but now I have to do it for the other episodes as well!
Here's a little peek at the process of editing Episode 1!
Posted by SunSmog - November 16th, 2023
Alchemist is now planned to release on November 25th! Voiceover progress is going well and should be finished in a few days, the Nov 25 date gives margin for error in case there needs to be last-minute corrections and stuff like that.
Here's a preview of the first 2 episodes: