I'm making an animated series! It's a serialised superhero cartoon following the adventures of Matthew Bohr, also known as the Unyielding Alchemist! He's a man on a mission: to rid the city of the mad scientist crime lord, the Dark Professor!
I've been working on this since 2020 so I'm very excited to show you guys what I've cooked up!
Check out the trailer!
The episodes will release weekly. A release date for the two-part pilot episode (Enter The Dark Professor! / Android Attacks!) will be unveiled soon-ish.
List of Episodes:
S1 E1 - "Enter the Dark Professor!"
S1 E2 - "Android Attacks!"
S1 E3 - "Mechs n' Wrecks!"
S1 E4 - "Uninvited Guests!"
S1 Short 1 - "Escape Danger!"